by Yvonne Blokland | Jun 14, 2023 | Uncategorized
On June 2nd, we organised our 2nd AI & Health conference. This year’s theme was ‘From paper to practice’, as the speakers and participants discussed implementation questions, collaborations between academia and industry/startups, and how to...
by Yvonne Blokland | May 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
Together with 16 partners, AmsterdamUMC will use artificial intelligence techniques, big data, proteomics, genomics and lipodomics to predict cardiovascular mortality and morbidity and progression of vascular diseases in patients with AAA or PAD. Next to prediction,...
by Yvonne Blokland | May 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
In collaboration with Amsterdam Medical Data Science, the VU Campus Center is organising their AI & Health Conference 2023: From Paper to Practice on Friday June 2nd, 2023. This full-day event will take place at the AmsterdamUMC, location VUmc. For more details...
by Yvonne Blokland | Mar 23, 2023 | Uncategorized
The VU Computer Science department is hiring many new Assistant/Associate Professors! Please see here for an overview of the positions, including in the area of AI. We are also looking for two postdoctoral researchers in machine learning and reasoning for medical...
by Yvonne Blokland | Oct 21, 2022 | Uncategorized
On Friday November 18th 2022 at 15:45, Prof. dr. Martijn Schut will hold his inaugural lecture (in Dutch), with the title: “Beter met bytes”. The lecture can be watched in the VU Aula or live online. For more information, see:...
by Yvonne Blokland | Jul 26, 2022 | Uncategorized
On Friday September 9th 2022 at 15:45, Prof. dr. Mark Hoogendoorn will hold his inaugural lecture (in Dutch), with the title: “Waarom helpt kunstmatige intelligentie de arts en patiënt nog zo weinig?”. The lecture can be watched in the VU Aula or live...