VU Campus Center
Artificial Intelligence & Health
The purpose of the VU Campus Center for AI & Health is to fuel collaborations on the VU campus, to increase the visibility of the research in the AI & Health domain, with the ultimate goal to improve health and healthcare by developing, implementing and evaluating AI technologies.
“The VU Campus Center brings together a unique multidisciplinary expertise in the area of AI and Health.”
Prof. Mark Hoogendoorn
Across Amsterdam the center will be connected to other partners (such as the UvA, CWI, etc.) through collaboration platforms such as Amsterdam Medical Data Science and Smart Health Amsterdam and the overarching collaboration in the Amsterdam AI Coalition themed “AI:Technology for People”. The position of the center in the context of these collaborations (non exhaustive) can be seen below.
To find out more about what we do and meet our researchers please visit the research page.
About Us
We currently have a core management team with four members, covering the various disciplines and Faculties: Prof. Heleen Riper, Prof. Martijn Schut, Dr. Mohammad Rezazade Mehrizi and Prof. Mark Hoogendoorn.
Contact us at:
Heleen Riper
Department of Clinical, Neuro- and Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Behavioural and Movement Sciences
Martijn Schut
Department of Clinical Chemistry, AmsterdamUMC
Mohammad Rezazade Mehrizi
KIN Center for Digital Innovation, School of Business and Economics
Mark Hoogendoorn
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science